Resources that train disciples to utilize and enjoy SEEING JESUS TOGETHER

SEEING JESUS TOGETHER and SJT | SOLITUDE are designed to create, in disciples, an ability to SEE JESUS more clearly…or Believe the Gospel more deeply…in various Discipleship Environments. Some disciples are able to effectively use these tools after reading the INTRODUCTION and INSTRUCTIONS found in each section of SEEING JESUS TOGETHER. But, most disciples benefit from additional training as they get started.

Sometimes we need Biblical teaching on why a certain Discipleship Environment is valuable.
Sometimes we need a more detailed explanation of why our Journaling Guides are designed as they are.
Sometimes we need to have step-by-step instructions for a new action.
Sometimes we need to see examples of how other Believers use these tools.

We are creating Examples and Starter Guides to help participants as they get going.


Sometimes believing in the value of something and understanding the design of something is not enough.
Sometimes we need to see examples of what we believe and understand in order to do it ourselves.


In creating a healthy habit, Getting Started is often the most difficult part. But once we get going, we pick up momentum and the new habit fits into and is a blessing in our life. Our Starter Guides are designed to help Disciples take the first steps down what may be a daunting path. Some of our Starter Guides are web-based videos and others are more like Small Group Bible Studies.