Collaborative Experiences designed for Adults to Understand, Assess, and be Equipped

Each of our Workshops follow the same flow.
After looking to the Scriptures to UNDERSTAND a healthy experience of a Discipleship Environment, participants are encouraged to ASSESS their current level of health in that Environment. Finally, with a call to faith and hope in the Gospel, participants are EQUIPPED to use SEEING JESUS TOGETHER as a way to have a healthier experience of that Environment in the future.


The goal for AN INVITATION TO SEEING JESUS IN SOLITUDE is for Participants to experience more of the PRESENCE of Jesus in the coming months, because they 1) have a Clear Understanding of a Mature Christian’s Bible Reading Discipline, 2) have an Accurate Assessment of their Current Bible Reading Discipline, and 3) are Practically Equipped to Prioritize and Engage a Healthy Bible Reading Discipline.


The Goal for AN INVITATION TO SEEING JESUS WITH ONE ANOTHER is for Participants to experience more of the PEACE of Jesus in the coming months, because they 1) have a Clear Understanding of a Mature Christian’s Experience of Biblical Community, 2) have an Accurate Assessment of their Current Community, and 3) are Practically Equipped to Prioritize and Engage Gospel Community.


More information will be coming soon about AN INVITATION TO SEEING JESUS IN THE WEEKLY CHURCH GATHERING.

We have always valued local leaders and we have always loved supporting them however we can.
Maybe it’s because Our Story starts with one small church developing a tool that spread around the globe through the relational web of local leaders.

Whether it’s free Coaching Sessions, Workshop Materials, or an Intimate Partnership over time,
we are honored to support local leaders in their Disciple-Making Mission.